Bid Handling

Understanding the importance of expert bid handling services

Utilising years of hands-on experience writing and managing 100s of social care bids, we know what approaches can turn your bid into a winning submission. Undoubtedly, the needs and expectations of local authorities from the social care sector are continually evolving. Ever-increasing demand pressures from ageing populations, characterised by a higher prevalence of long-term conditions and reliance on support, have been compounded by significant funding cuts and lack of workforce capacity. Against this background, developing sustainable models of support and submitting successful social care tenders has become more challenging. Our expert consultants work with you to dissect local care economies and contracting models, to submit compelling bids that best meet the outcomes of service users, commissioners, and the wider health system.

Our expertise

Whether you have written applications before, or are completely new to the tendering process, each new bid requires time and resources. We have the expertise and experience to make the process streamlined and transparent. We pay particular care and attention to CQC requirements and place emphasis on drawing out the compliant strengths of your service. Not only that, but we have worked with clients on 100s of social care providers from small start-ups to large regional and national providers, these include:

  • Domiciliary Care tenders
  • Support Living tenders
  • Extra Care tenders
  • Residential Care tenders
  • Care for Children tenders
  • Learning Disabilities tenders

Our significant experience in NHS and Council tenders gives us valued expertise and an understanding of the continuing progression towards integrated health and social care, and place-based care models.